Message of hope and a new appeal from the Nurses - See in detail

"We invite you to help us for another year. "Without your responsible attitude, the battles will be lost."

Untitled project 2021 04 29T110157.146 nurses, PASYNO

The Pancyprian Nurses' Union sends a message of love and optimism to health professionals, on the occasion of Easter, and at the same time calls on the citizens to show a responsible attitude and implement protection measures so that Cyprus can return to "normalcy".

In its announcement, PASYNO expresses "and in public our great gratitude to every nurse, to the health visitors and the midwives / midwives, who give the great battles in all the public hospitals, exaggerate themselves every day to save human lives".

For more than a year now, he notes, nurses have been "fighting, collectively and personally, to keep the COVID - 19 pandemic case low despite your adverse and stressful working conditions." We are proud of you, of your bravery, patience and courage and we pray for better days ".

PASYNO appeals to everyone to be consistent in following the instructions and in the meticulous implementation of the protection and distancing measures, although "we understand that you are tired, physically and psychologically".

But, he continues, "think of the health workers, the ICU nurses who fight every day, with their nails and teeth. Aren't these people? Do they not have families and children? "I wish you could go through the Intensive Care Units and see the battle between life and death that patients give and the parallel battle that health professionals give."

This year's Easter is different for another year, he adds, noting that this year's Resurrection finds us in a new lockdown for managing a prolonged unprecedented pandemic. "We would also like to publicly express our unlimited gratitude to the health workers. We have all now realized that this invisible enemy is not words but the cold and critical reality. We invite you to help us for another year. "Without your responsible attitude, the battles will be lost", concludes PA.SYNO in its announcement.