What is the average salary in Cyprus?

katotatos Average salary of employees, Cyprus

According to preliminary data of the Statistical Service, the average gross monthly earnings of employees during the third quarter of 2020, are estimated at € 1.907 compared to € 1.869 in the third quarter of 2019, ie there is an increase of 2%.

meses apolaves Average salary of employees, Cyprus

According to the Statistical Service, the average gross earnings adjusted for seasonal fluctuations in the third quarter of 2020 are estimated at € 2.025 and compared to the second quarter of 2020 there is an increase of 1,9%.

The average gross monthly earnings of men in the third quarter of 2020 are estimated at € 2.029 and women at € 1.758. Compared to the third quarter of 2019, the average monthly earnings of men increased by 0,8% while women increased by 3,7%.

pinakas 7 Average salary of employees, CyprusSource: Economy Today