Stavros Malas: "The next President of the Republic must be like an olive tree, have deep roots"

"The big loser of the 2023 elections will be the Cyprus issue"

Copy of Main Image x2 50 President of the Republic, Stavros Malas

On the occasion of an article written by the Geneticist, academic and politician, Stavros Malas, in the newspaper "Dawn", with Title "The big loser of the 2023 elections will be the Cyprus issue", was called to the radio show Morning Citizen Inspection to answer some questions.

The first and most important question was why the big loser will be the Cyprus issue and he answered that Those who ride the waves and go with the current are not suitable for the Presidency of the Republic. Candidates for the Presidency of the Republic must have a stable position over time.  As he characteristically said, it should be like an olive tree, with deep roots and not like the palm tree, which is superior in height, but as soon as a strong wind blows, it falls.

Regarding the report of DISY, Stavros Malas noted that two tombstones are sculpted in the party, in relation to the Presidential elections of 2023.

When asked to comment on the position of the next President of the Republic on the Cyprus issue, Mr. Malas said that now the Greek Cypriot side is flirting with logics until the 1960 Constitution and the Turkish Cypriot side is talking about a two-state solution. As the Greek Cypriot side, we have a problem of credibility, which is exploited by Turkey to talk about a two-state solution and enters the Cypriot EEZ freely, without having any impact.

Whenever we put water in our wine, the big loser was the Cyprus one, he added, concluding by saying that "At the moment there is no prospect. I speak with Ambassadors of friendly countries and they send the message that Cyprus does not work at the level of society for what our side proposes ".
