Stop in Cyprus from Finland / "Cyprus is unsafe"

bcc2c1ae1dea69cb48b32d51c3e1728c Coronavirus, Κύπρος, Περιορισμοί, Φιλανδία

Travel restrictions from Finland to 9 more countries, including Cyprus

Finland announced on Wednesday that it was reinstating travel restrictions on several countries it had considered safe destinations for months, including Germany, its Nordic neighbors and Cyprus, to curb its spread. COVID-19.

According to Reuters, travel to Finland from Iceland, Greece, Malta, Norway, Denmark, Ireland, Cyprus, San Marino and Japan will be reduced to essentials from August 24, with those returning from at these times to be required to put themselves in self-restraint for two weeks, said Interior Minister Maria Ochisalo.

Prior to Wednesday's announcement, Finland had already reduced travel to and from most countries in the world.

In June, the government set a ceiling of 8-10 new cases per 100.000 inhabitants for the list of safe destinations for the country, as a second wave of infections seems to be transmitted from one country to another.

"Our strong message is that travel to dangerous countries should be avoided. "Returning to Finland from them will lead to quarantine and problems," Transport and Communications Minister Timo Harakas told reporters.

Source: KYPE