Damage to agricultural land in Sotira from frost (photos)

CEA3CF84CEB9CEB3CEBCCEB9CEBFCC81CF84CF85CF80CEBF2016 01 022C23.31.15 Γεωργία, Ειδήσεις, Νέα Αμμοχώστου
Damages were left behind by the low temperatures and frost that affected our country on New Year's Eve.

CEA3CF84CEB9CEB3CEBCCEB9CEBFCC81CF84CF85CF80CEBF2016 01 022C23.31.15 Γεωργία, Ειδήσεις, Νέα Αμμοχώστου

Specifically, in Sotira, the temperatures in the early hours of Saturday, January 2 reached in some cases -2,5 degrees Celsius. The low temperature resulted in the creation of frost on potato crops of a large number of farmers, which were destroyed.

a3 2 Agriculture, News, Nea Famagusta

Last year, the same phenomenon was observed on January 9.

a1 6 Agriculture, News, Nea Famagusta

a2 4 Agriculture, News, Nea Famagusta

Photos: Costas Zartilas