Pre-election - continuation of controversy in RIK

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The pre-election thermometer is rising sharply, with the public controversy focusing for the last twenty-four hours on the request for the appointment of an acting Minister of Interior, as well as on Lillikas' complaint about an attempt to acquire him.

On behalf of the election staff Nikolas Papadopoulos, Christiana Erotokritou told RIK that in recent days, DISY has been transferred to the Presidency, adding that this does not benefit Nikos Anastasiadis.
He also described the involvement of a minister in the election campaign as a very serious issue, referring to an explicit directive of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.
Regarding Lillika's complaint, Ms. Erotokritou said that Papadopoulos's staff does not deal with whispers, stressing that the citizens will not elect a new President of the Republic, based on whispers and slogans.


Stefanos Stefanou, on behalf of the staff of Stavros Malas, accused Nikos Anastasiadis of having two hats, that of the President of the Republic and that of the candidate for re-election, using them as he sees fit in the election campaign.
Referring specifically to the Minister of Interior, Mr. Stefanou said that because Konstantinos Petridis is responsible for the electoral process, he had to abstain from any pre-election activity.
Speaking to RIK, Mr. Stefanou stressed that the President had to take steps to ensure the integrity of the process.
Regarding Lillikas' complaint, Stefanos Stefanou pointed out that the Mala staff clarified from the first moment that it does not use such tactics in order to win the elections.


George Lillikas' intention was to stop the slander and whispering that has been going on for months, so he proceeded to a public complaint for an attempt to acquire him, Konstantinos Filaretou, from the staff of the candidate for the Presidency, told RIK.
Mr. Filaretou accused other staffs of trivializing the minor issue, as he said, with the Minister of Interior, in order to downplay the major issue raised by George Lillikas, for convening the National Council and a thorough discussion on ways to deal with it. provocative.
Mr. Filaretou also stated that the Lillikas staff does not request the appointment of an acting Minister of Interior.


The discussion is about the only shadow, was the response of Michalis Sophocleous, on behalf of the staff Nikos Anastasiadis, to the request of other staffs and parties to replace the Minister of Interior.
He said that the ministers are politicians and not civil servants and accused the opponents of Nikos Anastasiadis that, because they can not criticize the work of the government and take a position on the substance, they are trying to assassinate, according to his expression, government officials at personality.
We will not do them the favor, said Mr. Sophocles.
Regarding the complaint about an attempt to buy a candidate, Michalis Sophocleous reiterated that it is a bomb in the foundations of the Republic, emphasizing that George Lillikas must clarify what he means, because citizens have the right to know what methods each candidate uses to secure their vote.

Editor: Stavroula Stergidou


Source: RIK News