Hermes entered Libra and there are 3 important dates for many zodiac signs


At, we read that there are three dates that are particularly important at this time.

Important Days

22 September 2019:  The Mercury-Saturn square (13 °) sets "limits" and "musts" in human communications, there are unpleasant discussions or news that cause frustration or even rupture. The thoughts are pessimistic while any attempt for expression, communication will be like falling on a "wall"! Affected by Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn of the 2nd decade as well as those who have personal planets close to the 13th degree of the above signs.

24 September 2019: Mercury forms a hexagon with Jupiter from Sagittarius (17 °) so the day can be described as positive to communicate, to express ourselves, to meet new people, to make new plans for our course, to travel, to start a seminar or educational program, to broaden our way of thinking, to discuss new proposals / agreements. An important condition, however, for the communication favor of the day? Take the initiative and take advantage of the opportunities of the day. They are positively affected Aries, Leo, Sagittarius and Gemini, Libra, Aquarius of the 2nd decade as well as those who have personal planets close to the 17th degree of the above signs.

3 October 2019:  Mercury forms a square with Pluto, influencing the signs of the impulsive cross (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) of the 3rd day as well as those who have personal planets close to the 20th degree of the above signs. On this day there will be manipulative and absolute tendencies in communications, we will see revelations of secrets, scandals, gossip and intrigue, while the thoughts will be dark and persistent.