Top Psychologist Reveals: 8 Things Happy People Do Every Morning

Happy people follow some morning habits, at the same time that most people start with a panic to get ready.

koryfaios psychologos apokalyptei 8 pragmata poy kanoyn oi eytychismenoi anthropoi kathe proi Anxiety, HAPPY PEOPLE, DAILY, MORNING HABITS, ROUTINE, STR

Happy people follow some morning habits, at the same time that most people start with a panic to get ready quickly.

After letting the alarm ring several times, we get up and run to get ready, with the result that our day starts with anxiety and stress.

But happy people really enjoy waking up in the morning. They have a simple daily routine that they follow every morning, which gives them well-being and gives purpose to the day that rises.

Happy people: They wake up with a sense of gratitude

This feeling is associated with a wider happiness. They start their day with love. This means that they really value their life and all their small successes. Every morning when they wake up, they express to their partner how happy they feel to have him. They also write quickly in their diary, which they have next to the bed, because they feel grateful.

Happy people: They start all over again every morning

They know that a new day is beginning. Yesterday may not have been a good day but today will be a success. People who do not shy away from a bad day are resilient creatures. Durability testifies to the existence of purpose and happiness.

Happy people: They pray and think positively

Most of the happy people are religious. Prayer is a way of communicating with our Creator and the means to maintain our peace and self-concentration.

Happy people positively encourage themselves every morning. Steve Jobes looked in the mirror every morning and asked himself, 'If today were your last day, what would you like to do?' and Benjamin Franklin asked, 'What good will I do today?'

Happy people: They read

Some happy people read the Bible or others read stories that inspire them to start their day well. Be that as it may, they follow a daily ritual by reading things that help them to improve themselves. To become better and to develop their knowledge and self-knowledge. Reading gives a positive start and new ideas that will guide the day.

Happy people: They simplify things so that time is enough for them

Complex morning routines are difficult to follow for a long time and will certainly fail. Happy people take care to simplify their mornings. For example, they have the coffee machine ready by night, they have their lunch or bag ready. So they avoid doing many things at the same time in the morning, which would cause them stress and anxiety and would rob them of their peace of mind during the first hours of getting out of bed.

Happy people: They practice

Exercise raises levels of serotonin and dopamine in the brain that act against stress and depression. Morning exercise is one of the priorities of happy people who exercise in the morning and so do not worry if they find time for exercise later in the day. They recognize that the power of will is greater in the morning.

Morning exercise stimulates blood circulation and gives more energy throughout the day. A study published in the journal Health Psychology found that exercise makes a person see his body positively even if he does not lose weight or his figure improves.

Happy people: They get their fresh air

Morning walks are beneficial for all creatures. Walking has been shown to stimulate creativity in the brain, which is not a bad thing to start your day with.

If there is a dog, a morning walk with him for a mile or two is the best exercise for both of them. Taking the dog out in the morning, we breathe fresh air which gives us vitality.

Happy people: They enjoy the beauty around them and live the present

Whether they take their morning walk or sit in their favorite chair by the window, they find time to appreciate their surroundings. This is refreshing and makes them excited about their day. Living in the present and the present, they realize what this moment really means, seeing clearly how important the 'now' is in their lives.
