The vacuum cleaner trick to make your home musk fresh all day

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Great smell in the house: Are you a housewife and you want your house to smell like musk all day long? Do not worry at all. I have a way for you to smell great from morning till night. All you need is two things that you already have in your home and you will manage to make your home smell fresh.

Great smell at home: What you will need

- Vacuum cleaner
- Three vanilla powder (the ones we put in the sweets)

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What you need to do to make your home smell like musk:

- Vacuum the house thoroughly.
- Then change the bag in your broom.
- Put the two vanillas in the vacuum cleaner bag.
- Throw one on the floor and suck it.
- We do this to get the smell of vanilla everywhere.
- Now, start sweeping the whole house.

The rest you need to do to complete the process:

- When you are done, the scent of vanilla will have musked all over the house and will make the house musk all day long.
- Do not tell you until the next wipe.
- You can even drip some drops of your favorite essential oil.
- The next time you wipe, you can simply repeat the process again.
