These are the five things in the house that need cleaning every day

We know what you're thinking: "Another thing I need to add to my to-do list." But trust us, if indeed

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We know what you're thinking: "Another thing I need to add to my to-do list." But trust us, if you really wash the following things every day, you will see a big difference in your household.

Hand towels

They may not look dirty but hand towels are considered to be one of the biggest germs in your kitchen. The same goes for the small towels in your bathroom. They should be changed every day or even twice a day if you have a large family.

Kitchen counter

Think about what you lean on your kitchen counter every day? The car keys, the correspondence, your wallet but also the crumbs from the bread you cut. So sweeping alone is not enough, the kitchen counter needs daily disinfection. Just be careful not to use the same cloth everywhere. It is not a good idea to use a cloth to pass over different surfaces as this simply carries germs.

Shower cabin

The easiest way to keep your shower clean and free of scale is to clean it after each use. With dry walls you will also avoid mold.


You may think that after washing the dishes and hands, the sink is as clean as it looks. In reality, however, dirt and bacteria stick to its walls. If you are meticulous with cleanliness, you should rub the sink with a sponge and baking soda and give it an aroma of freshness and shine with an orange.

Coffee maker

If you drink plenty of coffee like us, you are probably not just making a cup of coffee but a whole jug every day. But since the coffee maker is a hot spot for bacteria and mold, you need to clean it daily. It is better to wash the removable parts of your coffee maker after each use because this way the taste of the coffee and its aroma will be of better quality.
