Burned fat end: Make pots and pans shine with a simple material you have in your kitchen

deite pos na kanete na kanete tis katsaroles sas na lampsoyn cleaning, POTATOES, House

Pot Cleaning: Most household chores are difficult because they are not done the right way. If they had a specific way of cleaning, housewives, for every housework, everything would be easier. Problems with what you need to do to make your pots easier to clean? Do not worry at all. Just read the following instructions. In more detail:

Pot Cleaning: What you need to do to see your pots shine

- Put water in your pot until it covers all the fats you want to get rid of
- Add a tablespoon of baking soda (about 1/8 cup for pans and 1/4 for larger containers, say 6-8 liter containers)
- Cleaning pots: Put the oven at high temperature
- Heat the mixture of baking soda and water in your pan. All you need is to bring to a boil and then remove immediately from the heat
- For harder stains - Bring to a boil and let it sit for a while.
- Cleaning pots: Empty and use a soft / medium-sized kitchen brush for stains that may have run out in the area
- You may need to repeat for "stubborn" spots, but logically you will not have such a problem
- Rinse the pan thoroughly.
- You are now ready to admire its new shiny surface!

68 cleaning, POTS, Home
