New research tries to guess the time when we are most likely to cheat on a relationship

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Surely you have heard of "7 years of itching". As cliché as an expression may sound to you, there seems to be something real in it, according to new research on infidelity in the relationship published in "Journal of Sex Research»And in which 423 people participated (men - women).

The research divides its results into infidelity of women and men. Women seem to be more likely to believe between the 6th and 10th year of a relationship. The reasons; mainly the loneliness and frustration they feel from their partner in the relationship itself.

Men, on the other hand, in a long-term relationship, are more likely to cheat from the age of 11 onwards, but this is not the norm. According to research, those who are tall, smart and rich are more likely to cheat, as their infidelity is "guided" by their egocentrism and lust.

The conclusion of this research, as well as several previous ones, is that men are more prone to infidelity than women, as social norms accept the infidelity of men more easily than women.


Source: HuffPost