Resolution to the UN by TEVEA for intervention for Famagusta

imagew 38 Occupied Famagusta, TEVEA

The businessmen of the Province of Famagusta condemn the unacceptable and illegal actions of the Turkish side in our occupied Diocese of Famagusta. According to a statement from the Famagusta Tourism, Commercial and Industrial Company, "such actions provoke the feeling of our people and especially us of Famagusta, who unfortunately once again see our city being desecrated by the occupier."

"The people of Famagusta are united, we expect, as the announcement states, from the Government to take all the necessary steps and actions towards the European Union and the UN, demanding the immediate end of Turkish actions and the prevention of the creation of new ones."

"As we have done, it is mentioned in the announcement, from the day of our foundation, we will continue the struggle for the liberation of the City and the Province of Famagusta. That is why we call on the Government, the political Parties, Local Authorities, Organizations and Bodies to put aside any differences and personal aspirations and to claim together what belongs to us, our City and our Province. ”

TEVEA, the announcement concludes, will submit a resolution to the UN requesting its intervention for the immediate end of Turkish actions and implementation of its relevant resolutions on Famagusta.
