Chryso Prodromou - Emili Zeniou: "I am the mother of a child with autism"

On Saturday, April 3, at 12 noon, the new episode of the series "Famagusta.News Human Stories". Two mothers of children with autism send messages to all parents. What is the Famagusta Autism Support Association and the Smile Project.

Snapshot 2021 04 02 16.00.28 exclusive, FamagustaNews TV, FNTV, People's Stories, WORLD AUTISM DAY, Famagusta Autism Support Association

Η Chryso Prodromou, President of the Famagusta Autism Support Association and the Smile Project in Paralimni and the Emili Zeniou, mothers of both children with autism.

They make a soulful testimony of what it is like for a mother to raise a child with autism, while at the same time giving messages of hope and setting an example for all of us to appreciate the love of our children, while giving encouraging messages to all parents of children with autism.

Dedicated to Louis, Lorenzo and to all mothers and fathers of children with autism for the special love and unique smiles they receive every day.

Watch the show first on Saturday, April 3 at 12 noon via Famagusta.News at the following link:

Special thanks:

  • To Konstantinos Koumis for the non-profit creation of the video.
  • To Aimili Zeniou and Chryso Prodromou for giving the interview, but mainly for the special fight they give every day, and completely silently they are an example for everyone.

On the occasion of World Autism Awareness Day which is on April 2.

The shooting took place in September 2020 at the Catechism Meetings of the Savior in a space provided for the needs of the Day Care Center of the Famagusta Autism Support Association.

Interview Editor: Marinos Pavlikkas
Video / Direction / Editing: Konstantinos Koumi
