Greece: Dangerous jihadist arrested - pretend to be a refugee

He was one of the best instructors of the Islamic State

AP 535584910863 Greece, Arrested, JIHANTISTIS

The information "net" that has spread to the remote islands of the Aegean, the electronic "eyes" and "ears" of the special services of EL.AS and EYP, that is, it seems that so far it operates to a satisfactory degree, thus preventing to a large extent the undisturbed entry into the Greek territory of "refugees", who in one way or another had and still have involvement with the Islamic State.

Proof is the previously unknown arrest of a dangerous jihadist who had taken part in atrocities and even beheadings on the side of ISIS and tried to cross with his underage son into Greek territory.

The result was that he was finally found in prison following a decision by the competent Prosecutor and after the Counter-Terrorism Service, which located him, first presented to Justice all the necessary evidence proving his involvement in the Islamic Caliphate, even with photographic material.

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How they spotted him

According to Real News, last June in Kos, a Syrian "refugee" "landed" with his minor son, who of course wanted to escape the horrors of war.

In fact, the specific man did not even have a mobile phone on him, except for the necessities for himself and his child. He was immediately transferred to the hospitality center of the island and of course in a short time he made his papers for asylum.

However, he did not expect the "hotelier", who in this case was none other than the Counter-Terrorism Service that has ensured through the international cooperation he has developed, to have direct access to classified information platforms, where photos and details of people who fought with the flag of ISIS and committed atrocities, have been recorded in an absolute way.

According to the same information, Interpol in collaboration with Counter-Terrorism Departments in Europe, but also secret services of the states of the "Old Continent" managed to create, even through open sources, a rich archive containing videos and photos of jihadists.

The revelation of his action

When the 45-year-old "refugee" submitted his passport - valid but with falsified information - his photo was immediately entered in the special search platform, with the result that the system hit… red.

The experienced police officers of the Counter-Terrorism Service saw photos and videos appearing in the system, in which the specific person starred, and in fact in atrocities and horrors, which were often carried out by ISIS fighters.

He was immediately arrested and when he saw that they had in their hands evidence of his action, then he decided to speak and not to hide anything.

According to information from Real News, the specific person admitted that he initially belonged to the "Al Nousra" fighter sector, a branch of "Al Qaeda" in Syria and then immediately joined the ranks of the fighters of the Islamic Caliphate.

The same man admitted that he took part in atrocities in Raqqa, the "capital" of the Islamic Caliphate in Syria, he also admitted that he took part in the battles in Mosul, but also in the ISIS operation in Kombani, where they suffered one of their worst defeats since Kurdish Militia "YPG".

He allegedly told the Counter-Terrorism Service that he was "present" in the last major battles fought by ISIS in Raqqa, where he was also defeated by the Kurdish Militia, while he told the Greek Police that he managed to find a new passport and finally escapes the shackles created after the overwhelming defeat of ISIS.

Source: Real News newspaper