Two people lost their lives in Politika Evia, as their relatives were flooded by the torrents created by the severe bad weather that hit the country in recent days. They are an 86-year-old man and a woman of the same age, whose houses were flooded and the elderly apparently were literally caught asleep and could not get out of their houses, which were on the ground floor, in time. The news was confirmed speaking to SKAI by the mayor of Dirfion Messapia, George Psathas. "Unfortunately, the Fire Department confirmed it to me. They lived in different houses, they were not together "stressed Mr. Psathas.
All-night battle by the Fire Brigade and the Police
Huge battle all night by the Fire Brigade and the Police in Politika of Evia and especially on the beach of Politika, where "Thalia" "hit", to free dozens of people who were trapped either in houses or in cars, while until midnight It took several interventions of the Fire Service from Psachna to Lake Evia to extinguish fires that had started by lightning.
In Politika, "rivers" have been created that exceed 1 meter in height and are directed towards the beach. Even the heavy vehicles of the Fire Brigade are unable to pass in various places, consequently the calls from the citizens that are made for release or from a car. either from residential areas or from a camping in the area to not be able to reach them. Caravans that have been installed on various plots in the coastal zone and which have circulated volumes of water that move uncontrollably also face a problem.
According to the firefighters, the effects are intensifying more and more, the streams are bringing more and more water while the bad weather with rain and wind continues intensely. Shortly after 1 in the morning, the first calls for trapped in cars began, mainly in the coastal area of Politika. It is characteristic that in the first hour of the operations more than 25 people were released, including an 11-member family, as well as children who were alone at home, while earthmoving machines were mobilized to help in difficult cases. When the firefighters tried to use ELAS vehicles to transport the released people to safe places, a lot of water threw the police vehicles off the road.
Machinery of the Sterea Region and the Municipalities are already on the front line and trying to restore access, but the volume of water is huge with the consequence that any interventions are zeroed within a few minutes. It is worth noting that most of the citizens and vacationers in this area literally spent the night on the road, while the bad weather has not stopped and "Thalia" still threatens the area.
According to local media, the river Lilas overflowed and the water passed over the bridges of Afrati and Vasilikos, while many problems with overflows and floods are observed in the areas of Psachna and Politikon. The fire brigade received dozens of calls for flooded houses and basements, but also for those trapped by overflowing water. Roads and houses have been flooded in the Municipality of Dirfion Messapia. All roads in the area have been blocked, which makes the work of firefighters and police difficult. Citizens' appeals for help on Social Media are also dramatic.
Moreover, in his attempt to transport some of those trapped by Politika to Psachna, the patrol overturned off the road while the torrent did not allow the other vehicles to approach to help the rescue. A crane rushed to the spot to release the vehicle and then transport the people to a safe place.
At the same time, a vehicle was found trapped in the Agios Panorama area, where the situation was similar. A vehicle of the Fire Brigade rushed and released the driver.
Source: Nation