Thessaloniki: Georgia's partner and his friend accuse each other - They killed her with a kitchen knife

The evidence, the ambush and the attempt to mislead the authorities – Partner still denies involvement, what his friend says

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Shocking are the revelations that have come to light about the brutal murder of 41-year-old Georgia by her partner and a friend of his.

As it emerged from the EL.AS investigation, the two men had set an ambush on the unfortunate woman and as soon as she set foot in her partner's house, they attacked and killed her. So far, the two defendants are giving different versions of what happened without being able to convince the police.

In particular, the two men allegedly claim that they did not want to kill the unfortunate woman, but to rob her. More specifically, the friend of the 41-year-old's partner said that they had decided to rob her. However, during her immobilization her partner killed her. For his part, the woman's partner does not accept his involvement in the murder and says that they wanted to immobilize her in order to go to her parents' house and get some money.

The evidence, the ambush and the attempts to mislead the Authorities

The evidence against the two men is overwhelming and emerged from a wealth of video material, from the search made at the woman's partner's house where DNA and fingerprints were found, from the finding of evidence of the crime such as bed linen and a bed mattress with traces of blood near the home of the alleged perpetrator but also from the removal of telephone privacy.

As for the timeline of the brutal murder, the police investigation revealed that everything happened at 23:00 PM on New Year's Eve when the 41-year-old went to the house of her 39-year-old partner.

Entering the apartment, the 41-year-old was attacked by the two men who immobilized her and, with the threat of a knife, handcuffed her and gagged her with tape.

They then took her to the bedroom, where they inflicted multiple knife wounds on her left and right cervical region. They then took a suitcase-trunk to the apartment where they placed her and then took her to a bushy area in Halkidiki.

Then they returned to the scene of the crime, where they tried to destroy the traces and evidence of the crime, cleaning the apartment and successively discarding evidence of the crime, such as the clothes and personal belongings of the victim, the means of execution and the mattress of the bed, in various parts of Kalamaria upon which the victim was murdered.

In order to mislead the authorities, after completing the above actions, they placed another mattress on the above bed. The perpetrators, after the murder, took 80 euros from the victim.

She was butchered with a kitchen knife

According to information from the forensic examination, the woman had injuries on the right cervical area, all vessels were transected and she was bleeding uncontrollably.

According to the same information, he was stabbed three times with a kitchen knife, while the body was found in a sack in an inaccessible forest area in Monopigado, Thermi.
