With the seal of the Greek Parliament, the changes in the HEIs and TEI of the country come, as the multi-bill of the Ministry of Education was voted with 147 "yes" and 100 "no". This is the multi-bill Kostas Gavroglou entitled "Synergies of Universities and TEI, access to Higher Education, experimental schools, General State Archives and other provisions" and which includes changes in the introduction to Higher Education and Lyceums in Greece and Lyceums in Greece Universities.
Some of the provisions that have been set are:
- All TEI are integrated in the Universities of the different cities,
- Suggestion to the Universities as they provide the opportunity to offer two-year study programs but also the opportunity to the students who wish and can continue,
- Students of the two-year programs will enter the institutions with their bachelor's degree and not with exams,
- In the Schools that are not in demand, students will enter without exams.
The International University of Greece (DIPAE), which so far has offered postgraduate programs, will integrate TEI as well as other undergraduate programs.
According to Greek media, the new admission system proposed and adopted includes national exams, while a new way of admission is introduced, the free access departments ("green departments"), while about 100 new departments are expected to be established. Regarding the time horizon of implementation of these changes as well as what differences to expect Cypriot students and candidates wishing to study at Greek Universities, at present there is no information.
Information from the Ministry of Education and Culture states that the existing students are expected to adapt to the new data of the Greek Higher Education as they are applied, while this year's candidates if affected will be determined by the computer that will be sent by the Greek Ministry of Education to their choices. However, so far the competent ministry of Cyprus has not received official information.
Source: Liberal
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