The company returned the money to the passengers
On November 12, the 249 passengers of LOT Polish Airlines flight LO92 from Beijing to Warsaw experienced a strange situation.
The Boeing 787 Dreamliner they were riding in had a plumbing problem and a pump had to be replaced. But there was a significant problem, as the engineer who would undertake to repair the damage only accepted cash, excluding the possibility of payment by bank transfer.
So a LOT representative asked the passengers to offer their obol so that the repairs could be made and the flight could depart. Opera and was done with four passengers raising a total of $ 360 and offering to pay the engineer.
This, of course, does not mean that the passengers escaped the inconvenience as they had to wait 10 whole hours until the necessary repairs were made on the aircraft and the flight was completed.
"We are at Beijing Capital International Airport. I can not believe that the transactions here are made in cash under the table with the engineer standing next to the plane. Unbelievable ", said the passenger of the flight, Daniel Golebiowski.
Airline spokesman Adrian Kubicki told passengers: "I know you have encountered an unusual situation today for which I would like to apologize from the bottom of my heart. Believe it or not, there was a problem with a Beijing warehouse clerk who rejected all payment methods asking for cash only. He had no right to do so because the arrangements are made without cash. In any case, I am grateful to him and to the fact that the flight returned safely to Warsaw. "
The company returned the money to the passengers to pay the engineer before they even disembarked from an aircraft, and gave them free tickets. As for the employee who caused all this disturbance, he will face disciplinary sanctions.
"The LOT representative should have a credit card and cash with him," Kubicki said, adding: "Their company provides funds to deal with similar situations. "There is no circumstance that justifies asking for money from passengers." LOT, meanwhile, informed that its representative acted voluntarily without contacting and consulting anyone in charge of the company.