Unbelievable: A woman caught fire inside the operating room

Shock from the mistake of the doctors

Unbelievable: A woman caught fire inside the operating room

The patient, who was suffering from pancreatic cancer, passed away on Sunday, due to the tragic medical error.

She had suffered burns to 40% of her body when surgeons used an electric bat, although an alcohol-based disinfectant had been used.

Contact with the flammable disinfectant ignited and the woman "caught fire like a torch", wrote on Facebook Emanuel Ungureanu, a Romanian politician, citing medical staff from the hospital.

A nurse threw a bucket of water at the unfortunate 66-year-old, so that the fire would not spread. The Romanian Ministry of Health announced that it will investigate the incident, which occurred on December 22nd.

"Surgeons should have been aware that the use of alcohol-based disinfectants is prohibited during surgical procedures performed with an electric scalpel," said Romanian Deputy Health Minister Horadi Moldovan.
