Dead Greek man in German detention center: Watch the video of his violent arrest

recalls the nightmarish end of George Floyd in May 2020

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The North Rhine-Westphalia parliament will discuss the Home Affairs Committee next Thursday. the case of the tragic death of 24-year-old George Zantiotis who died under hitherto unexplained circumstances, in Wuppertal detention center a few hours after his violent arrest by police.

The video from the arrest of the young man who rioted storm of reactions on social media because of her violence used against him by police, strongly reminiscent of George Floyd's nightmarish end in May 2020, has been recorded by his sister with whom the young man seems to have had an intense quarrel resulting in the need for the intervention of the authorities.

The incident though It happened on November 2, but it became known only a few hours ago and after the outcry of internet users, with the result that the Wuppertal Authorities made relevant announcements which, however, caused many questions, as it is said that the death of the young man is attributed to an underlying disease in combination with drug use.

At the same time, the social media of both 24-year-old George and his sister have begun to be flooded with messages from friends and acquaintances, who demand justification for the death of the Greek expatriate.

As reported by the Deputy State Representative, Jules El-Khatib, The cause of death of the 24-year-old must be immediately investigated by an independent committee: "I have in front of me a video of the arrest in which one can hear the screams of pain of the young man. The 25-year-old breathed his last a little later when he was in custody. The cause of his death must be investigated by an independent commission and not by another police department. "

The state spokesman goes so far as to talk about another scandal "The death of the young man detained by the police was not published immediately. A death under these circumstances must always be made public, including the date of arrest and as soon as the causes of death are available. " between Wuppertal and Piraeus.

According to diplomatic sources, it is noted that the Greek Embassy in Berlin, as well as the Consulate General in Düsseldorf, provide consular assistance to his family from the very beginning.

The Greek authorities in Germany are also in contact with the competent German authorities, from which they are expected to carry out their work.