Saad Hariri: I will be in Lebanon in a few days (BINTEO)

cna t6f9451c233f845c99ed4b4885e01ba41 France, INTERNATIONAL, LEBANON, Saad Al Hariri

By Maria Tsangari

He will return to Lebanon in a few days, Prime Minister Saad Hariri assured, and will clarify the reasons behind his sudden decision to resign.

Saad Hariri - Resigned Prime Minister of Lebanon

"I will return to Beirut in the coming days for the Independence Day celebrations. "When I get there I will announce my political position after I meet with President Michel Aoun."

Hariri is in France at the invitation of French President Emmanuel Macron, who met with the Lebanese politician at the Champs Elysees at noon.

Emanuel Macron and his wife Brigitte welcomed Hariri, his wife Lara al-Azm and their eldest son Hassam, who arrived from London, to the presidential palace.

Hariri's two youngest children, according to a France 24 report, attend a school in Saudi Arabia and are probably still there.

Hariri arrived in Paris accompanied by strong police forces early Saturday.

Hariri resigned from Riyadh on November 4, surprising everyone. Lebanese President Michel Aoun did not accept the resignation, while Hezbollah, which is in the government, claimed that the prime minister was being held by Saudi Arabia, as he remained there for almost two weeks.

Saudi Arabia has recalled its ambassador to Germany after Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel denounced Saudi involvement inside Lebanon.

Hariri replied to Gabriel that he was not detained via Twitter.

Several analysts point out that there is a danger that Saudi Arabia, a Sunni state that rivals Iran and a Shiite state, will use Lebanon as a battleground.

