These are the measures that businesses need to take

Employees and employers should respect them.

screenshot 2020 04 30 at 11.42.54 Business, measures

Guides for groups of workers who are expected to be reactivated during the 1st and 2nd phase of the strategy of phasing out the bans have been prepared by the Ministry of Health, in collaboration with the Ministry of Labor, Welfare and Social Security.

The following are as follows:

Informing the staff and the supply of protective material contribute to the organized and calm treatment and to the avoidance of panic situations.

Timely planning and effective prevention and information will ensure the health of visitors and staff, but also maintain the smooth operation of the office.

A suspected case is a person who: Has traveled to areas where there is a continued transmission of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infection to the community.

In addition, he has symptoms of a respiratory infection such as fever, cough and difficulty breathing. Based on the above, all workplaces should be informed and take precautionary measures as follows:

1. In all office spaces to have good ventilation, as well as easy access to running water and soap, to comply with hygiene rules.

2. Frequent hand washing with soap and water. If the hands are not visibly soiled, an alcoholic solution (eg alcohol 70oC) may be used as an alternative. The use of gloves is not a substitute for hand washing.

3. Regular cleaning and disinfection of surfaces, knobs and workbenches.

4. Good and frequent ventilation of our workplace.

5. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing

6. Avoid contact of hands with mouth, nose or eyes to prevent the spread of germs

7. Avoid close contact (distance 1-2 meters) with people who have respiratory symptoms.

8. Ensure that there is sufficient consumable material directly accessible to the workplace to prevent infections such as thermometers, simple surgical masks, disposable gloves, trash bags, surface cleaning fluids.

In case of a suspicious case, the staff should maintain their composure and immediately inform the Ambulance Service citizen on 1420 (24 hours) by providing the following information:

1. Name and Surname of the employee

2. Country of Origin

3. Employee symptoms

4. Workplace address

During the presence of the patient in the workplace and until his transfer to a Medical Center, you should:

1. To isolate the employee from other employees.

2. If you show symptoms of a respiratory infection (fever and cough or shortness of breath), a simple surgical mask and tissues are given immediately. 3. If there is a colleague of the employee, who wishes to stay close to him to take care of him, he should be given a simple surgical mask and advised to wash his hands, every time he comes in contact with the employee's secretions (e.g. x. saliva) and definitely before touching his face or eating or drinking.

4. Instruct the rest of the staff to avoid entering the workplace.

5. Used protective equipment (simple surgical mask, gloves) should be disposed of in a bin and should never be used again.

6. After disposing of protective equipment, hands should be thoroughly washed with soap and water. It is emphasized that the use of gloves does not replace hand washing, which is a very important means of prevention.

7. All actions should be done calmly, calmly and with respect for the personal data of the employee. In case of transfer of the employee, the workplace should be cleaned and disinfected as described in the form for the environmental cleaning (disinfection) of non-sanitary units that have been exposed to the coronavirus.

Source: economytoday.sigmalive