Equality announced the suspension of strike measures at the post offices

The union Equality suspends the strike measures it had announced for its members who work as postal distributors

Screenshot 3 13 equality, meters, POST

The Equality union is suspending the strike measures it had announced for its members who work as postal distributors.

The President of the Equality Postmen's Branch Council in a letter, which was shared with the media, informs the Senior Director of the Department of Postal Services that after the information received by the branch on Thursday through a circular, about the Service's intention to change the current overtime regime employment for postal distributors, the Branch decided to suspend the strike measures it had announced for next Tuesday, 02/01/2024 and from there.

Furthermore, the Branch states that there are points in the circular which should, through dialogue, be clarified in the following days before its implementation, noting that in any case, the clarifications should be given in writing.

Source: KYPE