Sixteen third-country nationals, who resided illegally in Cyprus, were identified and arrested, during the weekend, as part of coordinated police operations. At the same time, as part of the Cyprus Police's efforts to return third-country nationals to their countries of origin, another 20 people left last Friday.
Police operations were conducted in all provinces. The aim was to locate and arrest persons residing illegally in the territory of the Republic of Cyprus, as well as to carry out checks to combat illegal and undeclared work.
During the controls, in the province of Famagusta, to combat illegal and undeclared work, two persons, aged 28 and 23, were found to be working illegally in a restaurant and a night club respectively. As it was established, the 28-year-old woman and the 23-year-old man were illegally residing in Cyprus and were arrested for an unprovoked crime by members of the Aliens and Immigration Service.
In Limassol, as part of a coordinated operation, members of Y.A.&M. Limassol, they proceeded to check 15 third country nationals, three of whom were found to be residing illegally in Cyprus and were arrested.
In the province of Larnaca, members of Y.A.&M. Larnaca, identified and arrested a total of six persons, for the crime of illegal stay. Another five third-country nationals, who were illegally residing in Cyprus, were identified and arrested in Nicosia. Two of them were detected during traffic controls, by members of Group G, Nicosia Traffic, while the remaining three were detected during controls by members of the Y.A.&M. Nicosia.
At the same time as the operations to locate and arrest persons residing illegally in Cyprus, the procedures for voluntary and forced returns of such persons continue.
As part of these efforts, the Paphos YA&M conducted last Friday, November 3, a new operation to return third-country nationals. During the operation, a total of 20 persons, who were residing illegally in Cyprus, were returned to their countries of origin.
Through Y.A.&M.'s operations, since the beginning of the year, 7,933 people who resided illegally in Cyprus have left.
The efforts of the Police and the Aliens and Immigration Service, to maximize the number of returns, continue.