"National holiday" of Cyprus today - How many are celebrating

It could be called a "National Holiday" since almost half of Cyprus celebrates

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Once again in conditions of a pandemic, Cyprus honors the Apostle Andreas.

Andreas, Andri, Androulla, Andria. Thousands of our fellow citizens will celebrate their name day.

According to the data of the Statistical Service for the frequency of the names recorded in the last population census in our country in 2011, in Cyprus there are 36.682 people named Andreas.

The name Andreas is second on the list and in order of frequency the name Maria is first with 39.883 people.

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For the compilation of this list, grouping has been done based on the origin of each name, where this was possible. For example, the name Maria also includes the names Maro, Maroula, Mary, etc.

Various diminutives that may come from more than one name have remained as stated.

Mixed names, ie names derived from a combination of two other names, remained as they were declared.