The police are ready to take to the streets – They are asking for an upgrade of ladders

The police officers are ready to take to the streets as reported by the president of the Equality Police Corps branch, Nikos Loizidis


The police are ready to take to the streets, as the president of the Equality Police Corps branch, Nikos Loizidis, said in a guest post at Mesimeri and Kati.

Among other things, he said that "a police officer cannot investigate a criminal offense against a citizen and have a conflict of interest with a close relative."

He went on to say, "We will be ready in the next few days to send a letter to the President of the Republic of Cyprus and the Prosecutor because we will not tolerate these things anymore. A person holding office cannot have a conflict of interest. We want the corresponding violence to be for everyone, if there is a colleague who has broken the law, we are the first as a guild to want him brought to court."

Later, speaking about the image of the Police, he said the following, "the police in general since 1960 has an outward image that has been crumpled because the institutions of society over the years have failed. They have failed in education, now the word corruption is harmonized with the state. The policeman is the first to pay the price of the retsinia".

He then mentioned that this time they are ready to take to the streets.

"Since August 11, we have informed the Minister of Justice and she has not informed us about the upgrading of police ranks. We have informed all parties of low paid police officers who currently receive the lowest living wage, work 25 days a month and have their benefits cut by 30%. We retire at 62, in no other country does the "body" go beyond the age of 55 except Congo.

We asked the minister to sit down and see it since they are all in agreement. To come and give the low paid policeman his due with the dangerousness of the profession in the EU.

Tonight we have the session of our guild for the final decision" said Mr. Loizidis.