"Headache" is caused by the arrival of immigrants who are positive for the coronavirus

ImageHandler 8 Cases, Immigrants

The arrival in the free areas of migrants from Turkey and the occupied territories, who are positive for the coronavirus, causes a "headache".

After the five cases last Sunday, three more emerged yesterday. Again with Syrian immigrants who arrived in the occupied territories of Turkey and crossed into the free areas, from an unguarded point on the line of confrontation.

They were located at the entrance of the Immigrant Hospitality Center in Kokkinotrimithia. And now the relevant government agencies are seriously concerned about what they should do to deal with the hordes of migrants from Turkey

The fourth case announced today concerns a Brazilian football player who arrived in Cyprus yesterday via Zurich with a special permit. He underwent a laboratory test at the airport and was immediately quarantined.

While the other two concern contacts from the family environment of the hotel worker in Paphos who was found to be positive for the virus last week.

"We are all called to continue with the same dedication and seriousness to observe the measures of personal hygiene and social distancing. "As a member of society, I recognize that the summer season evokes feelings of euphoria and is undoubtedly a period of relaxation. However, this summer we must all be doubly careful until the scientific community develops a cure for the disease," he said in his new stern message. the Minister of Health, Konstantinos Ioannou.
The EU has updated the list of countries

The Council of EU Member States has updated the list of countries from which the EU will accept passengers.

EU Member States are gradually lifting travel restrictions abroad for borders with (Algeria, Australia, Canada, Georgia, Japan, Morocco, New Zealand, Rwanda, South Korea, Thailand, Tunisia, Uruguay and China).

It is noted that this list will continue to be revised as appropriate and will be amended every two weeks. Serbia and Montenegro remain off the list.

Source: Ant1