Caution! Blackmailing people online - What to watch out for

Malicious e-mails blackmailing internet users

apati email, fraud, Cyprus Police, internet, TIPS

It has been observed that lately various emails (emails) have been sent to various email addresses regarding extortionate messages.

Specifically, the suspicious messages report a code similar to that of the user, with which they extortively report that they have managed to access their account and that if they do not pay a sum in the form of cryptocurrency, they will publish the user's activities in the alleged view , in pornographic material. A sample letter is attached at the end.

With their message they ask the recipient of the message, they ask for about $ 1900 dollars in the form of bitcoin in an electronic wallet. These messages are entirely deceptive and malicious. In no case should the recipients of such messages proceed with the payment process and in the process of replying and negotiating with the sender. Such messages should be deleted immediately.

Internet users are also advised to take the following steps immediately:

When asked to pay a different bank account than the one they usually use, they must verify the request by telephone or other contact with the supplier.
Change the passwords in their e-mail regularly and use two step verification techniques to log in to the e-mail.
Use malware protection programs, both on your computer and on mobile devices, to update regularly.
Do not open links to emails or text messages from strangers, as these links may refer to malicious websites or cause malware to be installed.
Make regular checks on the settings of their e-mail redirection filters. In case it is found that there is such an active filter redirection to another unknown e-mail, then to delete such an arrangement and to inform the Police.
The Cybercrime Bureau is available to the public or companies to report a complaint and the public is invited to visit the Cybercrime Bureau website and the Police website in cybercrime, for reference.

Source: offsite