A new package of targeted measures was announced by President Christodoulidis at the end of the Council of Ministers. As stated in its statement, the Government, responding to the needs of households and businesses, and always within the framework of fiscal responsibility, announced a new support package.
More specifically:
1. Extension of the graduated electricity cost subsidy measure from March 1 to April 30, 2024, for residential, commercial and industrial consumers, while for vulnerable consumers the subsidy will cover 100% of the electricity price increase.
2. Extension of the measure to reduce consumption tax on motor fuels until March 31, 2024.
3. One-off support to households receiving relevant benefits from the Deputy Ministry of Social Welfare based on income criteria. More specifically:
A. One-time support for each child, with a maximum amount of 250 euros, in single-parent families. Families with more than 4 dependent children will receive an additional amount.
B. One-off support for each child, with a maximum amount of 250 euros for families. Families with more than 4 dependent children will receive an additional amount.
C. Households that receive a Minimum Guaranteed Income and are not included in the aforementioned categories, will receive a corresponding lump sum.
More than 27.000 families will benefit from these measures.
4. To support large families and taking into account the great interest that has been shown in the purchase of electric cars through the sponsorship program for electric mobility that we have recently announced, we are increasing the relevant budget by 2 million euros.
5. Especially for the refugee world, the expansion of the beneficiaries as well as an increase in the amounts in relation to the Plans of the Central Agency for Equal Burden Distribution. More specifically:
A. Increase of the mortgage subsidy from 130.000 to 200.000 euros and the subsidy period from 20 to 30 years with the abolition of income criteria.
B. Subsidy increase from 50.000 to 100.000 euros for repairs to homes without income criteria.
C. Increasing the subsidy for students with the inclusion of maintenance costs, in addition to tuition fees, while at the same time the amount of any scholarship will not be deducted from the amount of the student loan, as was the case until now.
D. New lending plans concerning the renovation of homes, the purchase of household appliances and the energy upgrade of existing homes, without income criteria.
E. Expansion of beneficiaries of the Loan Scheme for professional activity of Young Entrepreneurs.
St. For property in the occupied territories, which was used for a loan, which was subsequently repaid, it will now be possible to use it again in a related application to the Central Body of Equal Distribution of Burdens.
G. Loan or interest rate subsidy plans granted by the Agency will no longer count.
H. Applications for Mortgage Loans will not take into account whether the applicants have another private residence, unless they have been previously approved by the Agency for that residence.
6. For additional relief but also to support businesses, abolition of the annual company fee of 350 euros imposed in 2011.
7. At the same time, that the reduced or even zero rate of VAT on basic necessities will continue to be in force until the end of May.
Finally, it is noted that the Interest Subsidy Plan for Mortgage Loans for the purchase and construction of a first home, announced in October 2023, has received the relevant approval of the European Commission and comes into effect immediately.