Tragedy in Greece: Basketball that detached killed a 19-year-old

Basketball Death of 19-year-old, Basketball

His last breath was left shortly before midnight on Sunday by a 19-year-old young man who was on vacation in Chios, when on a basketball game in the stadium of Daskalopetra, the basketball came off and fell on the unfortunate young man, who in turn collapsed bloodied to the ground.

Despite the titanic efforts of the EKAB rescuers who rushed to the spot to provide first aid and transport him to the Hospital of Chios and the doctors, the young man did not succeed and ended up a little later.

From the photos of the "citizen of Chios", it seems that the basket was fixed to the ground, at only a few centimeters of cement depth and not at all depth, something that led to its detachment.

Basketball1 Death of 19-year-old, Basketball

Basketball2 Death of 19-year-old, Basketball

Source: First Topic