This is a very disgusting moment in the history of first dates


When the smell of fish reminds the aspiring lover of something else

Many can go wrong on the first date and spoil the magic of flirting. Some are known to everyone. Like, let's say, you never talk about your ex-partners!

Even so, owning one is still beyond the reach of the average person.

In another unexplained episode of the series with the first dates ("First Dates") of the British television station Channel 4, the lady claimed, flipping through the list, that she does not eat fish because she smells bad.

But come on, this reminded me of his ex-boyfriend and her genitals, which, as he told her, smelled like fish. Yes, before they all have dinner!

Paddy left his appointment with Heather, completely distracted by his completely inappropriate story for the occasion (but also for each occasion more or less).

It was probably the worst and most disgusting thing he has ever heard on a first date, at least in his television history.


Viewers were also shocked and took to Twitter to express their displeasure, to put it elegantly.

And if you're wondering, no, of course there was no second date.