Hair ready: Baby born full of hair and his smile goes viral across the internet

A newborn baby who was born with lush hair and attitude has become the focus of attention on the internet.

etoimos gia kommotirio moraki gennietai gemato mallia kai to chamogelo toy ginetai viral se olo to diadiktyo 5 VIRAL PHOTOGRAPHY, HAIR, NEWBORN BABY

A newborn baby born with a rich has become the focus of attention on the Internet hair but also mood.

Although all newborns are beautiful, there are those born with a head full of fur, wide eyes and a big smile, which sets them apart.

We really love her account Monet Nicole, as the pregnancy and childbirth photographer, once again managed to impress with her shoot and become viral.

The reason, the adorable baby that was born, as she herself comments, with open eyes, lots of hair and a huge smile!

Naturally, her photo received thousands of likes and positive comments from her followers.

Look at the pictures


etoimos gia kommotirio moraki gennietai gemato mallia kai to chamogelo toy ginetai viral se olo to diadiktyo 1 300x300 1 VIRAL PHOTOGRAPHY, HAIR, NEWBORN BABY


etoimos gia kommotirio moraki gennietai gemato mallia kai to chamogelo toy ginetai viral se olo to diadiktyo 3 300x300 1 VIRAL PHOTOGRAPHY, HAIR, NEWBORN BABY



via: Enimerotiko