A little boy has gone viral in the US, who has hairless hair syndrome and now has his own Instagram account.
Her: Epic Trim
The boy's mother, Katelyn Samples, told People magazine that when Locklan was born, he had dark, seemingly normal hair. When he was six months old, however, his hair started to fall out like in the photo I disobeyed. "We knew it was different, but not exactly how. "And after the little one continued to grow, his hair remained unruly like a comb."
The family, who live in Georgia in the United States, found out what could have caused this effect when they received an Instagram message from a user who asked if the child could be suffering from a strange hair syndrome. Then they decided to take Locklan to the doctor and found out the diagnosis.
The 33-year-old mother from Georgia was worried. You see the word "syndrome" and you think "My God, is something wrong with my baby?". Does it hurt ?, he admitted speaking to ABC.
So, Sambles started searching on Google, while she also turned to her pediatrician. Her doctor told her she had never heard of the syndrome before, but referred her to a pediatric dermatologist in Atlanta. There, Locklan was diagnosed with non-combable hair syndrome.
This is a rare genetic disorder, characterized by unruly hair again, which stands upright and is impossible to stay down if combed. It often occurs in children from 3 to 12 years old.
"When you look under the microscope, you see that the hairs have a triangular shape instead of a cylindrical one," Dr. explained to ABC. Carol Cheng, pediatric dermatologist. Scientists are aware of only about 100 such cases, according to the US National Institutes of Health. There is currently no reliable treatment, but the problem usually improves or resolves when puberty begins.
Locklan's hair is easily tangled and very brittle, explained Sambles, who after research managed to find a group on Facebook for this syndrome, where its members exchange information about hairstyles and products. Something that, she adds, helped her a lot.
At the same time, she opened an Instagram account, where she posts photos of her son. The messages he receives are extremely kind he says. There are many who want to take a picture with the little one, something that does not bother her, as long as the child is happy.
Caitlin explained that while the boy's appearance draws a lot of attention, most of the comments are polite and tender. "It brings a smile to people's faces. "Now that he is young, he likes attention and does not care," he said, according to a post on blogdedaltroemerenciano.com.
via: Enimerotiko
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