7 morning mistakes that ruin your day and what to do to correct them

7 pragmata poy den prepei na kanete otan xypnate to proi 2 FORBIDDEN MORNING HABITS, Energy, MORNING AWAKENING

Some forbidden morning habits are the reasons why you feel you have no energy for the rest of the day and can not perform.

Forbidden Morning Habits: Common mistakes you make when you wake up in the morning

In other words, how we wake up in the morning often determines the pace of the rest of the day. If you start without energy and your day is unproductive, it may be due to one of these 7 common mistakes you make when you wake up in the morning.

Press the snooze button on the alarm clock

7 pragmata poy den prepei na kanete otan xypnate to proi FORBIDDEN MORNING HABITS, Energy, MORNING AWAKENING

Every time we press the snooze button and fall asleep again, we enter a non-stop sleep cycle. So when we wake up we feel tired and in the mood for nothing.

You sit curled up in bed

When you wake up, stretch your legs and arms while you are still lying in bed. The more we stretch, the happier and more confident we will feel during the day.

You look at your emails when you wake up in the morning

This habit can distract you from important things. Focus on the important and productive things you do, instead of wasting your time on your mobile.

Leave your bed unmade

As paradoxical as it may sound, making your bed in the morning is linked to your productivity for the rest of the day.

Drink coffee early in the morning

7 pragmata poy den prepei na kanete otan xypnate to proi 1 FORBIDDEN MORNING HABITS, Energy, MORNING AWAKENING

If you are one of those people who drinks a cup of coffee every morning, it's time to reconsider this habit. Between 8 and 9 in the morning, our body produces large amounts of cortisol, the hormone that regulates our energy. If you drink coffee before 9.30 in the morning your body will reduce the amount of cortisol it produces and you will have less energy.

You wake up in the dark

The internal clock of our body is sensitive to light and darkness. If you wake up in a dimly lit environment, your brain will be confused and drowsy. Open the curtains and if it is still dark outside, turn on a strong light.

You have no routine

According to scientists, the power of our will is limited and if we spend it on small things in the morning we will have less energy during the day. Focus on getting ready and creating a routine that will allow you to make automated moves.
