Journalist, researcher, writer, presenter and especially mother and wife. THE Angeliki Nikolouli no recommendations needed. After all, her "heavy" CV "speaks for itself" and is exactly what made her name synonymous with finding missing persons.
For another season, Angeliki Nikolouli will be in front of and behind the cameras, and will "pilot" the plane called "Light in the Tunnel".
Murders, unsolved mysteries, suspects, evidence, testimonies, missing persons, phone calls, emotion, agony, anxiety, nerves, joy, lies and truths. Everything unfolds on the set of his show Alpha with a single goal… To bathe with plenty of light cases that are immersed in the darkness of the tunnel.
Angeliki Nikolouli, shortly after her premiere, spoke to about the "weight" of the experience, her image, the transfer rumors that "raged" at the end of the season, the cases that hurt her and remained deeply engraved in her and explained why it does not "cock".
- 25 years "Light in the tunnel". 35 years of police reporting, 25 years of mystery investigations, 25 years in the front line. How "heavy" is this load and what does it mean for you?
It has a weight όμως But all that you mentioned above gives me experience, knowledge and strength to continue the race on the difficult uphill that I chose. The moral reward for me is the thanks of the relatives of the missing and the victims. When they find the justification they are looking for, the difficulties and dangers are set aside and this burden is lighter.
- On October 9, "Light in the Tunnel" returned. Do you have anxiety or is there confidence in the experience?
For years now I feel like piloting a plane with bad weather and air gaps. Taking off has a stress, because it requires attention. During the flight and landing I have no problems.
- What will the viewers watch this new season that is starting?
We will not change what we have been doing successfully for 25 years. We will continue the deep, methodical and persistent research always aiming at the light where there is darkness. Searches, murders, suspicious deaths and news, will be under the microscope of the "Tunnel" this season.
- You have won 25 awards and won two Guinness World Records. However you are a discreet person who has chosen to keep a low profile. Why, while we see, more and more often, journalists and presenters cocking for much less, have you chosen this particular attitude? Do not show them?
This is a way of life. I have learned to speak through my work. I will not go out and say I am that, I did this and that, so watch me. You do not gain the recognition and trust of the people by giggling as you say. I consider successful and worthy of attention, the professionals who, while standing out, choose a course of low tones.
- Journalist, presenter, researcher and author. Which of these titles is "love", which is "love", which is "buddy" and which is "passion"?
I do not distinguish them as you put them. They work all the emotions together, to keep each of them alive. It is a relationship of life and like any relationship to be maintained, it needs love, affection, friendship and passion.
- Coronavirus has brought new data to all professions. How difficult has your job been?
Enough, like all jobs. We adapt to this data and take care to be healthy and our environment. There are rules in the channel we follow but it is also a matter of purely individual responsibility.
- We have seen you many times on TV not to try to hide your feelings. Anxiety, nerves and in some cases even tears. Doesn't it scare you to "crumple"?
Looks like you haven't known me in a long time. The first years that the image of the presenter was in molds, I dared to sing, to dance to show myself. I went out to the glass with myself and no one could change me. I wore braces and showed up at TV and from there came the "Iron Lady". So as you can see, I'm not afraid to crumple my image, because I'm not an image. I am Angeliki with sensibilities, with a soul, that I can not hide in the three hours I am alive in the air.
- People have passed through your plate who, while they had committed crimes, had the audacity to turn to you ostensibly to locate their loved ones. What was your first thought when you came across such an incident? Are you afraid of meeting other such people on set?
Deep research, insight, experience and intuition help me a lot when I come in contact with the last witnesses in a serious case. Some of them were murderers and sat next to me on the couch. Others may come to the plate. I have to respect them and handle them carefully so that the truth comes out, to show what they are hiding.
- Which of the cases you have dealt with in the 25 years that "Light in the Tunnel" is in the air has been engraved inside you and why?
They are not one, they are not two, they are not ten, they are much more and special. I remember them all! Especially the ones that hurt me the most and required a big fight to be enlightened. What still hurts me is the finding missing to the unclaimed, without evidence as if they were animals. Their relatives believe that they live somewhere and have fun and that they are buried without identity. For so many years now, the system of locating the dead without evidence does not say to change and acquire a human face.
- At the end of the season, a lot was written about a possible transfer of yours and it was emphasized that you were "besieged" by other channels. But you stayed at Alpha for the eighth year. What connects you to the station?
The space, the people, the cooperation, the understanding. All of these are important to me in establishing a professional relationship. We have our problems from time to time but it also happens in the best families…
- What does success mean to you? Are high ratings a success?
Not for me. For some others definitely yes. I never put them as my guide. As you can see from the picture on TV today, there are no such crazy things numbers that we used to do several shows. They are now shared on all channels. The point is to do the right thing and not become a number one. Of course I do not like thirties and I am glad to see them, but they are certainly not the ones that will offer me the quality I want in emission my.
- Can you tell us a little about the book you are currently writing?
I finished it and it will be released before the holidays by Kastaniotis publications. It is the fourth in a series police thriller and is based on a true story that I researched in "Tunnel». The upheavals and the evolution, no one knew them, not even imagined them. Through this book, the abuse of the woman who bows her head is clearly seen, she does not react and you become a victim.