Athena Oikonomakou: The big absentee at her wedding and the pounds of pregnancy


Η Athena Economomakou through an interview in People magazine she solved various questions we had about her secret marriage and her pregnancy.

The beloved actress revealed how many pounds has he gained until now while talking about changes she sees in her body and explained because her father was missing from the wedding.

"Miss Instagram" stated

I have a few… ι I have an appetite. I have gained 12 kilos. But I was very thin before I got pregnant. Below the limit for my height. That's why I don't think I seem to have gained much weight.

But I feel that my body needed some kilos. He does not make me any pants, any of my clothes. You get everything when you get pregnant. Cellulite, swelling, retention, your pelvis grows. Everything changes. It is expected. If it didn't happen to me it would be worrying "


Athena Oikonomakou also answered the question why her father was absent from her marriage, the man who has a huge weakness for him.

My dad was not at the wedding. He is a captain and they called him to barge in. It is an unpredictable job, you can never know when you will be called and where you will go. You are called at the last minute and you must be where the ship will be on a specific date to board. Unfortunately he could not be at the wedding.

I wish she was with me that day, but as the daughter of a captain I am used to missing great events in my life. It does not make sense to me as it would to someone who reads it or thinks of it as a condition unknown to him.

