During the 66th Eurovision Song Contest, which took place on Saturday night (14/5), George Kapoutzidis uncomplicated as always, he responded to a homophobic comment he received, speaking openly about himself.
"This was Cornelia Jakobs from Sweden, a very warm welcome at the stadium for one of the favorites of the night. And you see, I did not say anything. Sir, why are you voting today and I want you to have a clear mind ", said initially the actor and presenter.
And he continued:Also, on the Thursday I was commenting on Sweden, someone wrote to me that I was a bad sister. I'm a sister, but I'm good. And beautiful and smart and successful. And do not be shocked, do not be shocked. That's what we need to discuss. And to discuss them openly. "If we do not discuss them, we will never face them."
via: Enimerotiko