In these beauty pageants the contestants preferred to talk about women's rights instead of their proportions

o MISS PERU facebook life, violence, Woman, INTERNATIONAL, RIGHTS, beauty, sexual abuse, SEXUAL HARASSMENT, feminism

Usually beauty pageants tend to report their proportions in public, but in Peru, where the number of women killed daily is alarming, they decided to do something different.

In order to convey their own message about rights, but also violence against women, they preferred to speak with numbers and statistics, instead of their proportions.

"My name is Juana Acevedo and my proportions are: more than 70% of women in my country are victims of street harassment."


"My name is Luciana Fernández, I represent the city of Huánuco and my proportions are: 13.000 girls suffer from sexual abuse in our country."


«Almendra Marroquín here. "I represent Cañete and my proportions are: over 25% of girls and teenagers are abused in their school."


Jessica Newton, a beauty pageant who has been crowned in the past, said the decision was made to empower women. As for the appearance of the girls in swimsuits, Newton said, according to Buzzfeed, that it is an opportunity to show that women should be treated with respect no matter what they wear.


Source: HuffPost