SOTIRA: "I was holding my little girl dead in my arms and… then the great miracle happened"

The story of Christoula. The health problems and the miracle in her life ...

viber image 2021 11 24 08 56 50 398 exclusive, Sotira, Miracle of life

He is a very kind, humble and sweet creature but at the same time a mentally injured being. Her heart is full of kindness and love that she generously shares everywhere. Fortunately, the wound never managed to erode it. The opposite. The Light reaped within her. So much so that it became a lighthouse to find shelter and other afflicted souls.

Those who had the honor of hearing her story held every word with respect, feeling pain, caring, care and affection. But at the same time what prevailed within them was pride and emotion for the inexhaustible goodness and love that she has within her.

"Christoula is a model of inspiration and an example to be imitated for every region in the world" say her friends and acquaintances and continue: "despite the difficulties and terrible problems she experiences, she helps our fellow human beings in need every day and is the creator of the volunteer group" With the help of God… I help "which has been embraced by hundreds of citizens in the province of Famagusta and beyond".

Christoula Antoniou Chrysanthou was born in the village of Sotira in the province of Famagusta and is 42 years old. She grew up with her grandparents because her parents worked all day in the fields. He grew up next to them and had the good fortune to have experiences that are filled with endless boxes of memories.

IMG 2650 scaled exclusive, Sotira, Miracle of lifeThe first health problems…

At the age of 18 she was diagnosed with a benign breast tumor and in 2014 she was diagnosed with cancer. He was diagnosed with cervical cancer while at the same time he had many other health problems. The doctors told her that she could not have a second child (she has a baby girl from her first marriage and she really wanted another child).

2016 becomes the first miracle in her life…

She became pregnant but another disease appeared that she had never heard of… Thrombophilia (we call the pathological condition of hypercoagulability of blood circulation in humans resulting in the development of thrombi in organs and blood vessels. These include coagulation pathology during pregnancy with resulting in thromboembolic events in the pregnant woman or fetus, and even fetal loss (miscarriage).

She did not want to terminate the pregnancy and everything went well until the 3rd month. Then the problems and the miracles began…

In the video that follows, Christoula describes what shocking she experienced along with the great miracle:

Source: ANT1 / Christiana Dionysiou