The 32-year-old pilot Babis Anagnostopoulos now regrets, and through his lawyer he states that he wants his exemplary punishment. In a few minutes he is taken to the prosecutor for the execution of the arrest warrant issued against him after his confession and then to the investigator for his apology. It is taken for granted that he will ask for and receive a deadline, as he is entitled under the law.
According to the lawyer of the 32-year-old, Vassilis Spyrou, the accused is "shocked by the fact of Caroline's death" while his personal assessment is that his client "relaxed" with his confession.
Prosecution for two crimes and two misdemeanors
The criminal prosecution brought by the prosecutor's office of First Instance against the confessed murderer of the unfortunate Caroline in Glyka Nera is very serious. The 32-year-old husband-killer was even found suspected of committing new crimes but also a fugitive, according to the reasoning of the warrant issued for his arrest.
Now the criminal prosecution against the 32-year-old is for two crimes and two misdemeanors.
Specifically, the 32-year-old is being prosecuted for the following crimes:
-intentional homicide, committed in a calm state of mind and
-animal abuse.
The misdemeanors for which he was prosecuted are:
-false allegation because he made other suspects of his actions,
-fake continuous deposit due to false deposits given to the Authorities.
The warrant
Authorities issued an arrest warrant against the 32-year-old, judging him:
-suspect of flight due to his status as a pilot and his financial surface.
-suspect of committing new crimes because of the way he killed Caroline and the way he misled the authorities with false evidence that he has no suspensions.
According to information, the husband-killer stated the following, among other things: "I did not want to kill her, I was shocked when I found out, I thought about the child".
How the cell phone and the smartwatch "showed" Caroline's killer
There is no "perfect crime", especially in this day and age where technology is galloping at an incredible rate and the daily lives of citizens are based on "smart" mobile phones (smartphones). It was these little devices, the extension of ourselves, that revealed Caroline's killer.
From the first moment, the police officers who handled the case, since they did not find visual material from cameras, searched the couple's electronic devices, specifically the mobile phones and the smartwatch. All the applications that had the victim and perpetrator downloaded, as well as data, were transferred to the computers of the forensic laboratories and were examined piece by piece. The data that emerged from Babis Anagnostopoulos' mobile phone showed that he had not testified the truth, since the application on his mobile phone that records the steps, showed that at the time he had claimed that he was tied up, he was walking.
While Caroline's biometric clock recorded increased pulses and then no vital signs much earlier than the time the pilot had placed her murder. But how did the above two electronic devices reveal the heinous crime that has frozen even more, due to the involvement of the husband, the pan-Hellenic?
According to expert researcher George Tsoukalis, all those who use advanced devices leave electronic fingerprints. "The forensic laboratories of the Greek police are among the best in Europe. There they downloaded all the electronic data from the mobile phones and devices that the couple used. The electronic fingerprints were taken even if the perpetrator had deleted them. It was revealed that when he testified that he was tied up, the application he had downloaded to his mobile phone showed that he was on the move. And of course from Caroline's smartwatch they found the exact time of death which was not the same as the one originally submitted by her husband. We should be aware that even in icloud the data and data are stored and with the mechanisms available in forensic laboratories can be retrieved even if the user has deleted them. "Imagine that even from a computer hard drive that was broken by criminals, the police managed to recover valuable data in the past."
According to experts, in every smartphone there are informant applications, which constantly report on the position of the device and its user. So someone who knows is able to know, with precision of seconds and centimeters the paths followed by each user as an individual. So even if a user lies about what time it was his smartphone will testify to the truth.