"How I threw the baby off the balcony" -What the 22-year-old says (vid)

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"I went to the bathtub and gave birth," she says. "I cut the umbilical cord myself with scissors. I was afraid of what my mother and people would say. I did not know what to do. I wrapped it in a sheet and put it in a nylon bag. I threw it from the balcony door. Immediately after, I cleaned the bathroom as best I could and threw the placenta into the pelvis ".

Her lawyer claims that it all happened due to postpartum depression and that the girl has not fully realized what she has done… Even more shocking are the messages she sent the same day to her close friend. He lies to her that the child gave it to him for adoption. He continues: "I still have some bleeding, so I can not go out today. Let's go out tomorrow. I deflated, you can not say "…

Source: iefimerida.gr