A new virus infected Facebook

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The alarm bell is ringing for Facebook users by the Cybercrime Prosecution Directorate. Malicious software called Backdoor Trojan has infected the social networking site and is spreading pornographic video

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According to the Prosecution, the post in question appears to have been shared by a friend of the user on Facebook and up to 20 of his friends have been tagged in it. If the user clicks on the pornographic video, he or she is taken to a deceptive Web site that plays the first seconds of the video and then stops playing and a message appears informing the user that an Adobe Flash Player software download is required ( InstallFlashPlayer.exe) .If the user consents and downloads the file, then it is infected by malware, which has the ability to monitor the keyboard and mouse of the infected computer, so that passwords and communications of any kind can be intercepted ( eg e-banking codes, credit card numbers, e-mail passwords, etc.) Internet users are advised to be especially careful and take the following precautions: - Do not click on posts with strange content or posts that do not appear to lead to a known webpage.– From the settings Facebook security settings to enable the option to which one will not be able to tag them without their approval. - Use security applications, such as Antivirus software, which should always be up to date. - Check and always have the operating system version of their computer up to date.