The United States is concerned about the derailment of Turkey by the West

wess mitchell AFRIN, WES Mitchell, Erdogan, USA, Iran, OIL BRANCH, Russia, Syria, Turkey

US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Wes Mitchell expressed strong concern over Turkey's growing cooperation with Russia and Iran. The US diplomat warned that his country would defend its interests in practice, including that Turkey remain politically and strategically aligned with the West.

Wes Mitchell spoke about the common interests of the United States and Turkey, saying he has been a member of NATO for 66 years, was actively involved in the war against ISIS, suffered heavy losses and now hosts 3,5 million Syrian refugees on its territory. He also referred to the use of the Incirlik air base, but also to the exchange of information within the framework of the Alliance against ISIS.

"Despite our common interests, Turkey has recently increased its cooperation with Russia and Iran. Ankara seeks to reassure us that it sees this cooperation as a necessary step forward in the direction of progress in the Geneva process. "But the ease with which Turkey makes arrangements with the Russian military for the needs of Operation Olive Branch in Afrin, arrangements for which the United States has not been informed, is particularly worrying," Wes Mitchell told senators.

He went on to claim that the government in Ankara had bought the Russian S-400 missile system, saying that such a move could lead to sanctions on Turkey and a blow to Turkey's participation in the F-35 program.

"It is in the national interest of the CAA to see Turkey remain strategically and politically aligned with the West. "Our policy is to work closely together with a clear message that the United States will actively defend its interests."

