Unimaginable tragedy: Dead baby in a washing machine

newborn 1399155 1920 BABY, washing machine, TRAGEDY

A woman in Russia is being investigated for the murder of her newborn baby, as the baby was found dead in a washing machine.

A tragic incident took place in Russia, where according to the authorities, a dead baby was found in a washing machine. According to the mirror, the Russian authorities in a statement said that 31-year-old Nadezhda Z gave birth to her fourth child prematurely during the weekend. According to the report, her husband found her in the blood at their home in the Russian city of Talitsa and called an ambulance.

Police sources confirmed that the woman is being investigated for the murder of the baby, which was actually found in a washing machine.

"Nadezhda is a good mother. She had no reason to kill her baby in such a violent way. "She told me that the baby was stillborn," said a friend of the 31-year-old, while she claims that the baby was already dead. The mother, who has three other children, is being treated under guard.

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Source: newsbomb.gr