Trump has signed a decree that will not separate immigrant families

ntonalnt tramp iran symphonia pyrenika USA, Immigrants, Donald Trump

US President Donald Trump has signed an executive order not to separate the families of immigrants who cross the southern US border with Mexico illegally, while awaiting the review of their file by the immigration authorities.

"The goal is to keep the families together, while at the same time ensuring that we have very strong, very strong borders," the tycoon president told reporters as he signed the decree. "I do not like to see families break up," Trump said.

The law will be passed in the USA on Thursday 

House Speaker Paul Ryan announced today that the House will vote tomorrow, Thursday, to end the practice of separating families living illegally in the United States.

"We do not believe that families should be separated, full stop," Paul Ryan said after meeting with US President Donald Trump.

"Under our law, when immigrants are prosecuted for crossing the border illegally, the families will remain under the control of the Department of Homeland Security throughout the legal process," Ryan continued.

The bill provides for additional funding so that the Ministry of Homeland Security can "house and care for families throughout the process."

