Rome: The army undertakes to close the potholes in the streets

181222 Pothole ROME, Army

A new mission (not at all dangerous) is going to be undertaken by the Italian Army

Parliament is passing a measure introduced by the Five Stars so that the army can repair the potholes in Rome, which are the cause of accidents and injuries to pedestrians and car drivers. Forty million euros will be allocated for 2019 and another twenty million euros for 2020, according to Italian media.

The measure was initially rejected by the relevant committee of the Italian parliament, but the Five Star Movement reintroduced it. Due to the poor condition of the road, cyclists taking part in the Tour of Italy refused to pass through Rome and asked for the cancellation of this route!

Along with the Army, voluntary organizations have also shown interest in improving the condition of the streets of the Eternal City, members of which, in the last three years, have closed more than 5.0000 potholes.
