Kasogi Sosias wearing his clothes left the consulate after the murder

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New revelation from CNN

One of the 15 people allegedly involved in the murder of journalist Jamal Kasogi inside the Saudi consulate in Istanbul was one of his bodyguards who then left the consulate wearing Kasogi's clothes, according to a Turkish official quoted by CNN.

Security camera footage claimed to be in the hands of CNN by Turkish authorities allegedly shows a Kasogi's bodyguard, Mustafa Al Mantani, coming out of the Saudi consulate through the back door, wearing the same clothes that Kasogi wore. day of his murder, on October 2. In fact, Al Mantani also wears a fake beard and glasses to look even more like him.

Four hours before the assassination, al-Madani appears to have entered the consulate without a beard, wearing a blue and white plaid shirt and dark blue trousers, but after the incident appears to have worn Kasogi's clothes, with the exception of shoes, which are not same as those of the journalist. Al-Madani then appears in the famous Blue Mosque in Istanbul, where he could get lost in the crowd before changing clothes again and putting on what he was wearing in the beginning.

In fact, additional security camera footage allegedly showed al-Madani associates dumping Kasogi's clothes in a landfill elsewhere in the city.

Turkish authorities say al-Madani was used as a "distraction" to divert investigations into the case.

At the same time, a video released today captures the last moments before Kasogi's disappearance, recording him and his fiancée entering the Saudi consulate.
