Terrible story: She was looking for a dog for adoption and found the one she had lost 2 years ago (VIDEO)

VIDEO: Their reaction was incredible when they were close

Terrible story: She was looking for a dog for adoption and found the one she had lost 2 years ago

A woman from Pennsylvania found her lost dog after two years in the most incredible way.

Everyone who has a dog or other pet knows how difficult it is to leave. Aisha Nieves from Pennsylvania experienced this loss as she had lost her dog two years ago. Specifically in May 2019, the animal had left her home and did not return.

Two years later, Aisha, a mother of two today, decided to give her children a dog. So start searching for the most famous dog shelter. However, in no case could she believe what her eyes saw.

He found Kuvo two years later

The protagonist of the story found a dog that looked too much like the one he had lost. A scar that the animal had made her make sure that we are not talking about a simple resemblance, but about the same dog.

"I thought about him every day and I was upset for a long time. I cried, I thought the worst had happened to him, I thought someone had hurt him. I was devastated. "It was so hard for me to accept," he told The Morning Call.

Kuvo, as his name implies, was spotted a few weeks after his departure. Then a family found him and adopted him. However, he could not adapt to his new family and ended up in the shelter.

Nieves had to provide certificates proving that the dog was hers. Her biggest phobia was whether Kuvo would not recognize her over the years. However, as it appears in the relevant video, he not only understood it but "went crazy" from his joy. "She just jumped on me and started licking me. "I told him we were going home and we left holding him in our arms," ​​the woman said.

Source: iefimerida.gr