Andreou for circuit connection with Cyprus: We proceeded to provide information

The developments regarding the case of rape of a 24-year-old in Thessaloniki are rapid, with the case reaching as far as Cyprus

2237509db0a433443ccaaeed64af18bf rape, THESSALONIKI, circuit

The developments regarding the case of rape of a 24-year-old in Thessaloniki are rapid, with the case reaching as far as Cyprus.

Speaking on the front page, the Police Spokesman Christos Andreou stated that so far there is no official information nor has there been any complaint or evidence that there is such a circuit in Cyprus.

"After yesterday's reports and in consultation with the Attorney General, it has already been sent since yesterday morning ready to the Greek authorities by the Cypriot authorities to inform us as soon as possible if there is anything to involve Cyprus in the circuit or if any Cypriot national involved in the circuit. "We have proceeded immediately to obtain information from the Greek authorities," said Mr. Andreou.

He also mentioned that they expect Mr. Elias Gionis to give them the information and data that he has to see exactly what happens.